Jenkins on Kubernetes in Google Cloud

12 Apr

Jenkins is a very popular and widely used CI/CD platform by many organizations. It is so flexible, and there are lots of plugins available for all kind of functionalities you want around CI/CD. Let’s see how we can deploy it on GKE using Helm, and what kind of advantages we gain out of this deployment.

Spinnaker on GCP as CD Platform

8 Apr

To continuously deliver an app update, you need an automated pipeline that reliably builds, tests, and updates your software. Code changes should automatically flow through the pipeline. The pipeline includes artifact creation, unit testing, functional testing, and production rollout.

Understanding Basics of DevOps

2 Jan

The DevOps (Developers + Operations) is a cultural shift that emphasizes on communication, collaboration and integration between developers and operations teams. There is many concepts evolved over the time under the DevOps title, like CI/CD, DevSecOps, etc. We will understand these basics of DevOps in this article.