Designing Reliable Systems

1 Apr

The article will highlight a few of the proven strategies for designing reliable systems in case of single point of failures, correlated failures, cascading failures, query of death overload, lazy deletion, etc. with solutions. In this era of cloud designing reliable systems are very important and critical to encounter system/cloud failure as the users rapidly increasing if the system gains popularity overnight. These strategies mainly focus on Google Cloud; however, you can employ these strategies in any cloud including private cloud.

The 12 Factors App

24 Dec

As the software development landscape has evolved with the rise of cloud computing and microservices architecture, ensuring the robustness, scalability, and maintainability of applications has become paramount. Enter the “12 Factors”, a methodology conceived by Adam Wiggins in 2011. These twelve guiding principles offer a roadmap for creating modern, cloud-native applications that are agile and easily deployable. Let’s embark on a comprehensive exploration of each factor, understanding its nuances, and uncovering best practices.