Basic Supply-chain Components in Software Artifacts

30 Dec

As we continue our exploration into the multifaceted world of software supply-chain, this second installment in our six-article series focuses on the foundational components that constitute the backbone of a robust software supply-chain. Drawing upon five years of hands-on experience, this article delves into the intricacies of source code management, version control strategies, build processes, artifact repositories, and dependency management. These components not only facilitate seamless development workflows but also underpin the efficacy, security, and scalability of software delivery pipelines.

Introduction to Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts

30 Dec

In the digital era, the software supply-chain has emerged as a pivotal aspect, underpinning the development, deployment, and maintenance of software artifacts. With a half-decade of hands-on experience navigating this intricate domain, this article aims to elucidate the multifaceted dimensions of supply-chain levels for software artifacts, setting the stage for our subsequent deep-dive into Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts in this six-article series.