File Handling in Python

31 Aug
  1. Getting Started with Python
  2. Variables and Data Types in Python
  3. Basic Input and Output in Python
  4. Conditional Statements in Python
  5. Loops in Python
  6. Lists and Tuples in Python
  7. Dictionaries and Sets in Python
  8. Functions and Modules in Python
  9. Exception Handling in Python
  10. File Handling in Python
  11. Working with Dates and Times in Python
  12. List Comprehensions in Python

Welcome to the tenth article in our Python programming series for beginners! In this installment, we’ll delve into a fundamental aspect of programming – file handling. Understanding how to proficiently read from and write files in Python is essential for dealing with data persistence and creating practical applications. We’ll explore these file operations with detailed code examples to provide you with a solid foundation in file handling. 

Introduction to File Handling

File handling in Python involves the process of interacting with files stored in your computer’s storage. This encompasses tasks like reading data from files and writing data to files. Files are a primary means of storing and exchanging data, making file handling an indispensable skill for programmers in various domains.

Reading from Files

To read from a file in Python, you typically follow these key steps:

1. Open the File: Use the `open()` function to open the file in the desired mode (`’r’` for reading in this case).
2. Read Data: Utilize methods like `read()`, `readline()`, or `readlines()` to extract data from the file.
3. Close the File: It’s crucial to close the file when you’re done with it using the `close()` method to release system resources.

Here’s a comprehensive example of reading from a file:

    Open the file in read mode
    with open("example.txt", "r") as file:
        Read the entire contents of the file
        data =
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("The file was not found.")

Writing to Files

Writing data to a file in Python typically involves these steps:

1. Open the File: Use the `open()` function to open the file in the desired mode (`’w’` for writing in this case).
2. Write Data: Utilize methods like `write()` to add data to the file.
3. Close the File: Always close the file when you’re done with it using the `close()` method.

Here’s a comprehensive example of writing to a file:

    Open the file in write mode
    with open("example.txt", "w") as file:
        Write data to the file
        file.write("Hello, World!")
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("The file was not found.")

Appending to Files

Appending data to an existing file, without overwriting its contents, can be achieved using append mode (`’a’`) instead of write mode (`’w’`).

    Open the file in append mode
    with open("example.txt", "a") as file:
        Append data to the file
        file.write("\nAppending more data!")
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("The file was not found.")

Best Practices

Here are some best practices for effective file handling in Python:

Use `with` Statements: Utilize `with` statements when opening files. They automatically close the file when you exit the block, preventing resource leaks.

Error Handling: Always handle potential errors like `FileNotFoundError` when working with files to ensure graceful program behavior.

Read and Write in Chunks: For large files, it’s more memory-efficient to read and write data in smaller chunks rather than all at once. This approach is especially valuable for files that may not fit entirely in memory.


File handling is a foundational skill in Python programming. Being proficient in reading from and writing to files enables you to work effectively with data persistence and create practical applications. In this article, we’ve explored the basics of file handling, including reading from and writing to files. As you advance in your Python journey, you’ll frequently employ these skills to interact with external data sources, create data storage solutions, and develop a wide range of applications.

In the next article of our series, we’ll explore another critical aspect of Python programming – working with external libraries and modules. Stay curious, keep practicing, and embrace the possibilities of Python!

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