Kustomize vs Helm

13 Aug


In the world of Kubernetes, managing and deploying applications can be a complex task. Kubernetes package managers aim to simplify this process by providing tools for defining, templating, and deploying Kubernetes manifests. Two popular contenders in this space are Kustomize and Helm. In this article, we’ll explore the similarities and differences between Kustomize and Helm to help you make informed decisions when it comes to managing your Kubernetes deployments.

Introduction to Kustomize and Helm


Kustomize is a native Kubernetes tool that focuses on configuration customization and management. It enables you to create and manage Kubernetes manifests by layering configurations and applying patches, allowing you to tailor your resources to different environments or scenarios.


Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that uses charts – packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources – to simplify application deployment. Helm provides a way to package, distribute, and manage Kubernetes applications with versioning and dependency management.

Similarities between Kustomize and Helm


Both Kustomize and Helm allow you to template Kubernetes manifests. This means you can use placeholders in your configuration files that get replaced with actual values during deployment.

Configuration Management

Both tools provide mechanisms for managing configurations, which helps maintain consistency across different environments and deployments.

Kubernetes Compatibility

Kustomize and Helm are designed specifically for Kubernetes, aligning well with the Kubernetes way of managing applications.

YAML-based Configuration

Both Kustomize and Helm use YAML as the format for defining configuration files. This aligns well with the native configuration format of Kubernetes resources.


Both tools promote a modular approach to managing Kubernetes configurations. They allow you to break down configurations into smaller, manageable pieces, making it easier to maintain and reuse parts of your manifests.


Both Kustomize and Helm support versioning of their configurations. This enables you to track changes over time and ensure consistency across deployments.


Both tools are designed specifically for Kubernetes, which means they follow Kubernetes best practices and integrate well with the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Open-Source and Active Communities

Kustomize and Helm are open-source projects with active communities. This results in continuous development, improvements, bug fixes, and community-contributed content.

Kubernetes API Compatibility

Both tools generate configurations that are compatible with the Kubernetes API. This ensures that the configurations you generate can be seamlessly applied to your Kubernetes cluster.

Deployment Flexibility

Kustomize and Helm allow you to manage the deployment of applications and configurations consistently across different environments, helping to maintain predictability and reducing configuration drift.

GitOps Compatibility

Both tools can be integrated into a GitOps workflow, where changes to configurations trigger automated deployments through a version control system like Git.

CI/CD Integration

Both Kustomize and Helm can be integrated into continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, ensuring that configurations are applied automatically during the deployment process.


While they offer different methods, both Kustomize and Helm allow you to customize configurations based on different environments or requirements, providing flexibility and adaptability.

Differences between Kustomize and Helm


Layered Customization

Kustomize emphasizes a layered approach. You define a base configuration and then apply patches on top of it to customize it for different environments. This approach promotes reuse and separation of concerns.

Native Kubernetes Resource

Kustomize is part of the Kubernetes project and is included as a `kubectl` subcommand, making it readily available for Kubernetes users without the need for additional installations.

Simplicity and Flexibility

Kustomize’s approach is often seen as simpler, focusing on customization without introducing complex abstractions. It’s great for scenarios where you need more fine-grained control over your configurations.

Declarative Approach

Kustomize follows a declarative approach to configuration management. You define the desired state of your resources and configurations, and Kustomize handles generating the appropriate manifests.

Native Integration

Kustomize is included as a kubectl subcommand, making it tightly integrated with the Kubernetes command-line toolset. This can simplify the adoption process for Kubernetes users.

Overlay Patterns

Kustomize uses overlays to apply patches and customizations to base configurations. Overlays allow you to modify resources while keeping the base configuration untouched, promoting modularity.

Visibility and Clarity

Kustomize’s patching mechanism offers clear visibility into how the final configuration is generated. This can aid in understanding and troubleshooting complex configuration scenarios.

Kubernetes API Compatibility

Kustomize works with the native Kubernetes API, ensuring that generated manifests are fully compatible with Kubernetes.


Packaging with Charts

Helm introduces the concept of charts, which are pre-packaged sets of Kubernetes resources that can be versioned and shared. This makes it easier to distribute and manage applications.

Templating Engine

Helm provides a powerful templating engine that allows you to dynamically generate Kubernetes manifests based on values, such as environment-specific configurations.

Dependency Management

Helm offers built-in dependency management, allowing you to define and manage dependencies between different Helm charts. This is particularly useful for deploying complex applications with multiple components.

Ecosystem and Repositories

Helm has a well-established ecosystem of charts and repositories, making it easier to find and share application configurations. Helm Hub and community repositories provide a wide range of pre-built charts.

Package Management

Helm’s primary focus is on packaging and distributing applications through charts. This abstraction simplifies complex applications by packaging resources and their configurations together.

Client-Server Architecture

Helm operates with a client-server architecture. The Helm client interacts with the Tiller server, which manages the deployment of charts in the Kubernetes cluster.

Community Repositories

Helm boasts a rich ecosystem of community-maintained charts and repositories. This allows you to leverage pre-built configurations for popular applications, saving time and effort.

Values and Configurations

Helm uses values files to customize configurations during deployment. This separation of values from the template itself provides flexibility and allows for parameterization.

Hooks and Post-Install Actions

Helm supports hooks, which are actions triggered during certain lifecycle events like installation or upgrading. Hooks enable performing additional tasks during the deployment process.

Customization Complexity

While Helm offers powerful templating, it can sometimes introduce a steeper learning curve due to its feature-rich templating engine and more advanced customization options.

General Differences

Community and Adoption

Helm has a larger community due to its longer existence and broader focus on packaging. This often translates into more available resources, discussions, and solutions.

Use Cases

Kustomize is well-suited for scenarios where you need to manage configuration customizations across different environments or applications. Helm’s packaging features shine when dealing with complex, multi-component applications.

Customization vs Standardization

Kustomize is about customizing existing configurations, while Helm focuses on standardizing application packaging and deployment through charts.

Abstraction Level

Helm’s chart abstractions can sometimes hide the underlying Kubernetes resources, potentially leading to a slightly higher learning curve for understanding what’s happening “under the hood.”


The choice between Kustomize and Helm depends on the specific needs of your Kubernetes deployments and your team’s preferences. Kustomize excels in customization and simplicity, allowing you to build tailored configurations in a modular way. It’s a great choice for teams that require fine-grained control over their Kubernetes resources. On the other hand, Helm’s packaging, templating, and dependency management capabilities make it ideal for managing complex applications and promoting reusability. Helm’s established ecosystem of charts and repositories also streamlines the sharing of best practices and solutions.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on your organization’s workflows, the complexity of your applications, and your team’s familiarity with the tools. By understanding the similarities and differences between Kustomize and Helm, you can choose the tool that best aligns with your Kubernetes packaging and deployment requirements.

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