Lightweight Kubernetes Cluster Options for Local Development

25 Aug


Kubernetes has emerged as the de facto standard for container orchestration, powering the deployment and management of containerized applications at scale. While Kubernetes excels in managing complex distributed systems, setting up a full-fledged cluster for local development and testing can be overkill. That’s where lightweight Kubernetes cluster options come into play. In this article, we’ll explore various tools and methods to set up lightweight Kubernetes clusters on your local machine, each with its own set of advantages and trade-offs.

1. Minikube

Minikube is a lightweight and versatile tool that empowers developers to run a single-node Kubernetes cluster on their local machine. Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is a powerful container orchestration platform used to manage and scale containerized applications in complex, multi-node environments. Minikube simplifies the process of setting up a Kubernetes cluster for local development and testing purposes.

Main Features of Minikube

Streamlined Kubernetes Development: Minikube is primarily designed to provide developers with an environment where they can develop, test, and experiment with Kubernetes configurations and applications in a hassle-free manner. It eliminates the need for a full-scale production-like Kubernetes cluster, which can be resource-intensive and complex to set up.

Single-Node Kubernetes Cluster: Minikube creates a single, lightweight virtual machine (usually using technologies like VirtualBox, VMware, or others) on your local computer. Within this VM, it deploys a minimal, self-contained Kubernetes cluster. This isolated cluster allows you to mimic the behavior of a full Kubernetes deployment without the overhead of multiple nodes.

Feature-Rich and Configurable: Despite being a single-node cluster, Minikube offers a rich set of Kubernetes features and can be configured to support various add-ons and extensions. This allows you to test and experiment with different Kubernetes components, such as networking, storage, and security, all within the confines of your local machine.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Minikube is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This cross-platform support makes it an ideal choice for teams working in different development environments.

Integration with Container Runtimes: Minikube can be configured to work with different container runtimes like Docker, containerd, or CRI-O. This flexibility enables you to work with your preferred container technology.

Easy Setup and Management: Setting up Minikube is straightforward. You can use a simple command-line interface to start, stop, and manage your local Kubernetes cluster. Minikube also provides a dashboard for visualizing and interacting with your cluster.

Community and Ecosystem: Minikube is well-supported by the Kubernetes community and has a robust ecosystem of plugins and extensions that enhance its functionality. These plugins can help you customize your Minikube setup to match your specific development needs.

In summary, Minikube is a valuable tool for developers looking to gain hands-on experience with Kubernetes without the complexity of managing a full-scale cluster. It’s an essential addition to the toolkit of anyone working with containerized applications and Kubernetes, as it streamlines the development and testing process, making it more efficient and accessible.


– Easy setup and installation.
– Good for beginners and those new to Kubernetes.
– Supports various Kubernetes versions.
– Works on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
– Integrates well with kubectl for managing the cluster.


– Limited to single-node clusters.
– May not be suitable for complex multi-node testing scenarios.
– Resource-intensive for larger applications.

– Best for: Beginners, quick setup, single-node clusters, Windows/macOS/Linux.
– Why: Minikube is user-friendly, easy to set up, and provides a simple way to get started with Kubernetes. It’s great for learning and basic development and testing scenarios. However, it’s limited to single-node clusters and may not be suitable for complex, multi-node setups.


To set up a Minikube cluster, you first need to install Minikube and a virtualization tool like VirtualBox or Docker.

Install Minikube (Linux example)
curl -LO
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube

Start a Minikube cluster
minikube start --driver= Choose a driver like virtualbox, kvm2, or docker

2. Kind (Kubernetes in Docker)

Kind, short for Kubernetes in Docker, is an innovative tool designed to simplify Kubernetes (K8s) cluster creation and management for developers. It allows you to run Kubernetes clusters as Docker containers, making it an ideal choice for local development, testing, and experimentation with Kubernetes.

Main Features of Kind

Kubernetes Cluster as Docker Containers: Kind leverages Docker containers to create lightweight, self-contained Kubernetes clusters. Each node in the Kubernetes cluster is a Docker container, providing an efficient and isolated environment for Kubernetes. This approach eliminates the need for complex virtualization or provisioning tools.

Fast and Lightweight: Kind clusters are known for their speed and minimal resource requirements. Creating a Kind cluster is quick and efficient, making it an excellent choice for developers who need to spin up Kubernetes environments frequently. This lightweight nature allows you to run multiple clusters on a single machine without significant overhead.

Isolated and Reproducible Environments: Kind clusters are isolated, meaning they don’t interfere with other Kubernetes clusters or configurations you might have on your machine. This isolation makes it easy to manage multiple Kubernetes versions or configurations for different projects. It also promotes reproducibility, ensuring that your local development environment closely mirrors production Kubernetes clusters.

Conformance Testing: Kind is not only suitable for local development but also plays a role in testing Kubernetes itself. The Kubernetes project uses Kind to run end-to-end tests and conformance tests, which demonstrates its reliability and its adherence to Kubernetes standards.

Integration with Existing Tools: Kind seamlessly integrates with existing Kubernetes tooling and workflows. You can use kubectl, Helm, and other Kubernetes ecosystem tools to interact with and deploy applications on Kind clusters, just as you would with a traditional Kubernetes cluster.

Community-Driven and Open Source: Kind is an open-source project supported by the Kubernetes community. It benefits from regular updates, bug fixes, and contributions from the community, making it a reliable choice for developers working with Kubernetes.

Flexible and Customizable: Kind allows for various cluster configurations, including specifying the number of nodes, customizing the Kubernetes version, and even simulating more complex multi-node scenarios for testing and development purposes.

In summary, Kind is a versatile tool that simplifies the process of creating and managing Kubernetes clusters for local development and testing. Whether you’re a developer looking to experiment with Kubernetes or a Kubernetes contributor testing changes, Kind’s lightweight and Docker-based approach offers a convenient and efficient way to work with Kubernetes clusters on your local machine.


– Uses Docker containers as nodes for clusters.
– Highly configurable and suitable for simulating multi-node clusters.
– Great for testing Kubernetes configurations.
– Works on macOS, Linux, and Windows (with limitations).
– Excellent for controlled, reproducible testing.


– Requires some knowledge of Docker.
– Limited Windows support compared to other platforms.

– Best for: Testing Kubernetes configurations, controlled, reproducible testing, Linux/macOS/Windows (with limitations).
– Why: Kind is highly configurable and can simulate multi-node clusters using Docker containers. It’s an excellent choice for testing Kubernetes setups and configurations in a controlled and reproducible environment. While it’s versatile, it may require some knowledge of Docker.


You can create a Kind cluster by installing Kind and running a cluster creation command:

Install Kind (Linux example)
curl -Lo ./kind
chmod +x ./kind
sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/

Create a Kind cluster
kind create cluster

3. Docker Desktop for Kubernetes

Docker Desktop is a powerful and user-friendly application that brings the containerization capabilities of Docker to your desktop computer or laptop. It’s a tool designed to simplify the process of creating, managing, and running containerized applications and services on your local development environment, regardless of whether you’re using Windows or macOS.

Docker Desktop provides an intuitive graphical interface and command-line tools that allow developers to work with containers effortlessly. It leverages containerization technology to package applications, along with their dependencies, into lightweight, isolated units known as containers. These containers can then be run consistently across different environments, ensuring that applications behave the same way in development as they do in production.

Main Features of Docker Desktop

Create and Manage Containers: Easily create containers for your applications using Docker images. Docker images serve as blueprints for containers and contain everything needed to run an application, including the code, runtime, libraries, and system tools.

Orchestrate Multi-Container Applications: Docker Compose, a part of Docker Desktop, allows you to define and manage multi-container applications. You can specify how different containers interact and coordinate their services.

Access the Docker Hub: Docker Desktop integrates with the Docker Hub, a centralized repository of Docker images. This enables you to discover and share containerized applications and services with the broader Docker community.

Develop and Test Efficiently: Docker containers provide a consistent environment, eliminating the classic “it works on my machine” problem. Developers can create isolated development environments that mirror production, making it easier to troubleshoot issues and ensure code compatibility.

Utilize Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): For Windows users, Docker Desktop can be used in conjunction with WSL to run Linux containers on a Windows machine seamlessly.

Stay Updated: Docker Desktop is regularly updated with new features and improvements, ensuring that you have access to the latest containerization capabilities.

Overall, Docker Desktop is an indispensable tool for modern software development. It simplifies the complex process of containerization, making it accessible to developers of all levels, and helps streamline the development and testing of applications in a consistent and reproducible manner. Whether you’re building microservices, web applications, or any software that relies on containerization, Docker Desktop is an essential addition to your development toolkit.


– Seamless integration if you’re already using Docker Desktop.
– Quick setup and familiar Docker environment.
– Suitable for lightweight local development and testing.


– Limited to Docker Desktop users.
– May lack some advanced Kubernetes features and configurations.
– Not as configurable as other options.

– Best for: Docker Desktop users, familiar Docker environment, simple local development.
– Why: If you’re already using Docker Desktop, enabling Kubernetes from its settings is convenient. It provides seamless integration with your existing Docker environment, making it a straightforward choice for developers already comfortable with Docker.

If you are using Docker Desktop on Windows or macOS, enable Kubernetes from the settings menu.

4. K3s

k3s is a lightweight and highly efficient Kubernetes distribution designed for resource-constrained environments and edge computing scenarios. Developed by Rancher Labs, k3s offers a minimalistic, production-ready Kubernetes distribution that retains all the essential features of Kubernetes while minimizing memory and CPU overhead.

Main Features of K3s

Lightweight and Efficient: k3s is designed to be incredibly lightweight, making it ideal for environments with limited resources such as edge devices, IoT (Internet of Things) systems, and even developer laptops. It’s optimized for lower resource consumption while still providing the full power of Kubernetes.

Single Binary Installation: One of the standout features of k3s is its simplicity of installation. It’s distributed as a single binary, making installation and setup straightforward. This ease of installation is particularly valuable for edge devices and situations where you need to deploy Kubernetes quickly and with minimal effort.

Reduced Dependencies: k3s reduces dependencies compared to a full Kubernetes cluster. It includes many core Kubernetes components and services, such as the kubelet, containerd, and core DNS, in a single binary, reducing the complexity of cluster management.

Security and Simplicity: k3s is designed with security in mind. It automatically generates and manages certificates and encryption keys, simplifying the setup of secure Kubernetes clusters. It also follows best practices for minimizing attack vectors and security risks.

Automated Updates: k3s provides an optional automated update feature, making it easier to keep your clusters up to date with the latest Kubernetes and k3s releases. This is particularly useful for maintaining a fleet of edge devices or remote clusters.

Highly Customizable: While k3s provides a simplified and opinionated approach to Kubernetes, it is highly customizable. You can configure various aspects of your k3s clusters to suit your specific requirements.

Community and Commercial Support: k3s benefits from a growing community of users and contributors. Additionally, Rancher Labs offers commercial support for k3s, making it a viable choice for both open-source enthusiasts and organizations with specific needs.

Ideal for Edge Computing: Due to its small footprint and resource efficiency, k3s is well-suited for edge computing use cases. It can run on devices with limited resources, bringing the power of Kubernetes to edge environments.

In summary, k3s is an innovative Kubernetes distribution that simplifies the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters, particularly in resource-constrained and edge computing scenarios. Whether you’re a developer experimenting with Kubernetes on your laptop or an organization deploying Kubernetes at the edge, k3s offers a lightweight and efficient solution for your container orchestration needs.


– Lightweight Kubernetes distribution.
– Designed for resource-constrained environments.
– Simple installation and configuration.
– Suitable for edge and local development.
– Good for IoT and edge computing use cases.


– May not support all Kubernetes features and extensions.
– Less suitable for production use cases.

– Best for: Resource-constrained environments, edge and IoT use cases, Linux.
– Why: K3s is designed for resource-constrained environments and is particularly well-suited for edge computing and IoT use cases. It offers a simplified Kubernetes experience and is easy to set up on Linux.


K3s aims to be simple to install, often with just one command:

Install K3s (Linux example)
curl -sfL | sh -

5. MicroK8s

MicroK8s is a lightweight, minimalistic, and easy-to-install Kubernetes distribution that is designed for simplicity and ease of use. Developed by Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu Linux, MicroK8s aims to make Kubernetes accessible to developers, IoT (Internet of Things) enthusiasts, and organizations looking for a streamlined way to run Kubernetes clusters in a local development environment or on edge devices.

Main Features of MicroK8s

Fast and Lightweight: MicroK8s is known for its quick installation and minimal system resource requirements. It is optimized for resource efficiency, making it an excellent choice for local development, testing, and running Kubernetes on devices with limited compute power.

Single-Snap Package: MicroK8s is distributed as a single Snap package on Linux systems, making installation and maintenance a breeze. The Snap package contains all the necessary Kubernetes components, ensuring a consistent and reliable setup.

Multi-Node Clusters: While MicroK8s can run as a single-node cluster, it also supports multi-node clusters. This flexibility allows you to set up more complex Kubernetes environments for testing and development purposes.

Conformance to Kubernetes Standards: MicroK8s adheres to the Kubernetes API standards, ensuring compatibility with Kubernetes tools and utilities. It provides a full-featured Kubernetes experience with support for features like Helm, kubectl, and CNI (Container Network Interface) plugins.

Add-Ons and Extensions: MicroK8s includes a range of optional add-ons and extensions that you can enable with a simple command. These add-ons provide additional functionalities such as Istio service mesh, Kubernetes dashboard, and Prometheus monitoring.

Secure by Default: MicroK8s follows security best practices by automatically generating and managing certificates and encryption keys. It also includes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) and other security features to help protect your Kubernetes clusters.

Fast Updates: MicroK8s provides an update mechanism that makes it easy to keep your clusters up to date with the latest Kubernetes releases. This ensures that you have access to the latest features and security patches.

Community and Commercial Support: MicroK8s has a growing community of users and contributors. Additionally, Canonical offers commercial support for MicroK8s, making it suitable for both individual developers and organizations with specific needs.

Edge and IoT Ready: Due to its small footprint and efficient resource usage, MicroK8s is well-suited for edge and IoT use cases. It can run on devices like Raspberry Pi and other edge devices, bringing Kubernetes capabilities to the edge of your network.

In summary, MicroK8s is an accessible and lightweight Kubernetes distribution that simplifies the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters. Whether you’re a developer looking to experiment with Kubernetes or an organization exploring container orchestration at the edge, MicroK8s provides a user-friendly and resource-efficient solution for your Kubernetes needs.


– Quick and easy installation.
– Designed for Ubuntu and other Linux distributions.
– Lightweight and suitable for local development and testing.
– Good for single-node setups.


– Limited to Linux environments.
– May not support all Kubernetes features.
– Not as widely adopted as Minikube or Kind.

– Best for: Single-node setups, Ubuntu/Linux users.
– Why: MicroK8s is optimized for Ubuntu and provides a quick and easy installation process. It’s suitable for single-node setups and local development on Linux.


MicroK8s is designed for Linux systems, particularly Ubuntu. Install it using snap:

Install MicroK8s on Ubuntu
sudo snap install microk8s --classic

Add your user to the 'microk8s' group
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USER

Start MicroK8s

6. KubeSail

KubeSail is a cloud-based platform designed to simplify Kubernetes (K8s) deployment and management for developers, small teams, and organizations. It offers a user-friendly interface that abstracts away many of the complexities associated with setting up and maintaining Kubernetes clusters, making it an accessible choice for those who want to harness the power of Kubernetes without delving into the intricacies of cluster administration.

Main Features of KubeSail

Seamless Kubernetes Experience: KubeSail aims to make Kubernetes accessible to a wider audience. It provides a streamlined experience for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications within Kubernetes clusters.

Zero-Config Clusters: KubeSail offers a unique feature known as “Zero-Config Clusters.” With a single click, users can create Kubernetes clusters in the cloud, eliminating the need for manual cluster setup. This feature significantly reduces the barrier to entry for Kubernetes newcomers.

Web-Based Dashboard: KubeSail provides an intuitive web-based dashboard that simplifies the management of Kubernetes resources. Users can easily deploy applications, access logs, view cluster health, and monitor resource usage through the dashboard.

Git Integration: KubeSail seamlessly integrates with popular Git repositories (e.g., GitHub, GitLab). Developers can connect their Git repositories to KubeSail, allowing for automatic deployment of code changes to their Kubernetes clusters.

Scalability: KubeSail supports the automatic scaling of applications, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently as traffic fluctuates. This autoscaling capability helps maintain optimal application performance and cost-effectiveness.

Security and Monitoring: KubeSail incorporates security best practices, including automated certificate management and authentication mechanisms. Additionally, it offers monitoring and alerting features to keep applications healthy and secure.

Collaboration: KubeSail is designed with collaboration in mind. Teams can work together on Kubernetes projects, and the platform provides role-based access control (RBAC) to manage permissions effectively.

Extensibility: KubeSail allows users to customize their Kubernetes environments by enabling various plugins and add-ons. This extensibility ensures that you can tailor your Kubernetes setup to your specific requirements.

Managed Services: KubeSail offers managed databases and other services that can be easily integrated with your Kubernetes applications, simplifying the deployment of stateful workloads.

Community and Support: KubeSail has an active community and offers support options, including premium plans for users and organizations looking for dedicated support and additional features.

Developer-Friendly: KubeSail is designed to cater to developers, providing a straightforward and developer-friendly experience for deploying, managing, and scaling applications on Kubernetes.

In summary, KubeSail is a cloud-based platform that aims to democratize Kubernetes by offering a simplified and accessible experience. It removes many of the complexities associated with Kubernetes setup and administration, allowing developers and small teams to focus on building and deploying containerized applications without getting bogged down in cluster management tasks.


– Cloud-based Kubernetes service with a free tier.
– Integrated development environment (IDE) for Kubernetes applications.
– Easy to set up and use for local development.


– Requires an internet connection.
– Limited to the KubeSail platform.
– May not be suitable for scenarios requiring complete isolation.

– Best for: Cloud-based development environments, integrated IDE.
– Why: KubeSail is a cloud-based Kubernetes service that offers a free tier. It’s a good choice if you prefer working in a cloud-based development environment and want an integrated Kubernetes IDE. However, it requires an internet connection.

To use KubeSail, sign up for an account on the KubeSail website, and then follow their instructions for setting up a cluster.

7. K0s

k0s, pronounced as “chaos,” is a lightweight, easy-to-install, and highly portable Kubernetes distribution designed for a wide range of use cases. Developed by Mirantis, k0s aims to provide a simplified and efficient way to run Kubernetes clusters, making it suitable for various environments, including edge computing, IoT (Internet of Things) devices, and resource-constrained systems.

Main Features of k0s

Lightweight and Minimalistic: k0s is known for its minimal resource requirements and small footprint. It is designed to be resource-efficient, making it an excellent choice for environments where memory and CPU resources are limited.

Self-Contained Binary: k0s is distributed as a single self-contained binary, which simplifies the installation process. This binary includes all the necessary components for running a Kubernetes cluster, such as the kubelet, containerd, etcd, and CoreDNS.

Simple Installation: Installing k0s is straightforward and can be done with a single command. This ease of installation is particularly valuable for scenarios where you need to deploy Kubernetes quickly and with minimal effort.

Multi-Node and Single-Node Clusters: k0s can be configured to run as both multi-node clusters and single-node clusters, providing flexibility for various use cases. This makes it suitable for development, testing, and production scenarios.

Minimal Dependencies: k0s reduces dependencies to a minimum, simplifying cluster management. It aims to provide a self-contained, production-ready Kubernetes distribution without unnecessary overhead.

Highly Portable: Due to its lightweight nature and minimal dependencies, k0s can run on a wide range of platforms, including Linux, Windows, macOS, ARM-based devices, and more. This portability makes it suitable for edge computing and IoT deployments.

Community and Open Source: k0s is an open-source project with an active community of contributors and users. It benefits from regular updates, bug fixes, and improvements driven by the community.

Security and Simplicity: k0s follows security best practices and includes features such as automatic certificate management. It is designed to be simple to set up and operate while maintaining security standards.

Extensibility: While k0s provides a minimalistic Kubernetes distribution, it is extensible and allows users to add components and customize configurations to meet specific requirements.

Edge and IoT Ready: k0s is well-suited for edge and IoT use cases due to its resource efficiency and portability. It can run on edge devices, making it a valuable tool for deploying containerized workloads at the edge of networks.

In summary, k0s is a versatile Kubernetes distribution that prioritizes simplicity, resource efficiency, and ease of use. Whether you’re a developer looking to experiment with Kubernetes or an organization exploring Kubernetes deployments on edge devices, k0s offers a lightweight and efficient solution for your container orchestration needs.


– Lightweight Kubernetes distribution.
– Designed for ease of installation and maintenance.
– Suitable for local development and testing.
– Good for resource-constrained environments.


– May not support all Kubernetes features and extensions.
– Less mature compared to other distributions.

– Best for: Simplicity, lightweight local development, Linux.
– Why: K0s is designed to be simple to install and maintain. It’s suitable for lightweight local development scenarios but may not support all Kubernetes features and extensions.


K0s is designed to be simple to install as well:

Install K0s (Linux example)
curl -sSLf | sh

8. KinD (Kubernetes in Docker) with Multipass

KinD (Kubernetes in Docker) with Multipass is an innovative combination of tools that enables developers to create lightweight and flexible Kubernetes clusters on their local machines. KinD allows you to run Kubernetes nodes as Docker containers, while Multipass provides a user-friendly way to manage lightweight virtual machines (VMs) on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This powerful pairing simplifies the setup of Kubernetes clusters for local development and testing.

Main Features of KinD with Multipass

KinD (Kubernetes in Docker):

Container-Based Kubernetes: KinD enables you to create Kubernetes clusters by running Kubernetes nodes as Docker containers. This approach provides the benefits of containerization, including isolation, reproducibility, and ease of resource management.

Fast Cluster Setup: KinD is known for its speed and simplicity in setting up Kubernetes clusters. With just a few commands, you can have a functional Kubernetes cluster up and running on your local machine within minutes.

Integration with Docker: KinD leverages Docker, a widely adopted containerization platform, which means you can use your existing Docker tools and images seamlessly in your KinD-managed Kubernetes clusters.

Customizable Configurations: KinD allows you to define custom configurations for your clusters, enabling you to tailor the cluster’s behavior to your specific development or testing needs.


Lightweight Virtual Machines: Multipass provides a lightweight, cross-platform solution for managing virtual machines. It allows you to spin up VMs on your local machine without the overhead typically associated with traditional virtualization tools.

Ease of Use: Multipass offers a simple and user-friendly command-line interface for creating, managing, and interacting with VMs. You can easily launch and delete VM instances as needed.

Platform Agnostic: Multipass supports various host platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it a versatile choice for developers who use different operating systems.

Integration with KinD: Multipass seamlessly integrates with KinD, allowing you to create VM-backed KinD clusters. This approach provides a level of isolation similar to traditional VMs while benefiting from the speed and simplicity of container-based Kubernetes.

Use Cases

Local Development: KinD with Multipass is ideal for developers who want to create Kubernetes clusters on their local machines for development and testing purposes. It enables you to build and test containerized applications in a Kubernetes environment that closely resembles production.

Multi-Node Clusters: Multipass allows you to create multiple VMs, making it suitable for simulating multi-node Kubernetes clusters on your local development machine.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Whether you’re using Windows, macOS, or Linux, KinD with Multipass provides a consistent experience for Kubernetes cluster creation and management.

In summary, KinD with Multipass is a powerful combination of tools that simplifies the process of setting up Kubernetes clusters on your local machine. It offers the benefits of containerization, lightweight virtualization, and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for developers looking to experiment with Kubernetes or create local Kubernetes environments for development and testing purposes.


– KinD provides a Docker-based cluster.
– Multipass offers lightweight virtual machines for isolation.
– Useful for running Kubernetes clusters in isolated VMs.
– Works on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


– Requires knowledge of both KinD and Multipass.
– Slightly more complex setup compared to other options.

– Best for: Testing in isolated VMs, Linux/macOS/Windows.
– Why: Combining KinD with Multipass allows you to run Kubernetes clusters in isolated virtual machines, providing more control over your testing environment. It works on multiple platforms but may require knowledge of both KinD and Multipass.


To combine KinD with Multipass, you first need to install both KinD and Multipass:

Install KinD (Linux example)
curl -Lo ./kind
chmod +x ./kind
sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/

Install Multipass (Linux example)
snap install multipass

Then, create a KinD cluster using Multipass as the node provider:

Create a KinD cluster with Multipass
kind create cluster --name my-cluster --config -

Contents of the config file:
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
  - |
    kind: InitConfiguration
        node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"


Setting up a lightweight Kubernetes cluster for local development and testing is essential for efficient containerized application development. The choice of tool or method depends on your specific requirements and familiarity with the technologies involved.

– If you’re new to Kubernetes and need a quick start, Minikube or Docker Desktop for Kubernetes are excellent choices.
– For more control and flexibility in testing Kubernetes configurations, Kind or KinD with Multipass may be your go-to options.
– If resource constraints are a concern, consider K3s or MicroK8s for lightweight setups.
– For edge computing or IoT use cases, K3s is designed with these scenarios in mind.
– If you prefer a cloud-based approach with an integrated development environment, KubeSail could be a compelling choice.
– K0s offers simplicity and lightweightness but may be less mature compared to other distributions.

Ultimately, the choice of a lightweight Kubernetes cluster setup should align with your development goals and expertise, providing you with a smooth and efficient local development and testing environment.

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