DevOps vs DevSecOps

3 Mar

Do we need Security? Obviously! → DevSecOps
Do we need order in configuration? Sure! → DevSecConfOps
And do we need to automate? Ideally yes. → DevSecConfAutoOps
Resilient? This is so important! → DevSecConfAutoResOps

Understanding Basics of DevOps

2 Jan

The DevOps (Developers + Operations) is a cultural shift that emphasizes on communication, collaboration and integration between developers and operations teams. There is many concepts evolved over the time under the DevOps title, like CI/CD, DevSecOps, etc. We will understand these basics of DevOps in this article.

Do we really need developers ?

6 Nov

Do we really need a developer/coder/programmer role in the era of AI+ML evolution ? I don’t think so. Let’s see few rapidly evolving trends, where we can auto-generate code using AI+ML tools and in near future the need of the developers will be decreased considerably and deprecated eventually.